Andrew Cotton's projects that are relevant to the role of Senior Business Analyst posted by Paxus
(Ref: 200174291)
Click on the project titles for more detail.
Senior Business Analyst for a project to design and implement a Debt Covenants Management System to support the Global Treasury and Operational Finance functions.
Senior Business Analyst for an Agile Digital Marketing project to re-launch the web portals for the Lendlease shopping centres.
Senior Business Analyst for eFinance, an enterprise wide Financial Transformation.
ICT Project Manager and Business Analysis for ICT component ($1.9m) of the “Electronic Housing Code”, a NSW Department of Planning project to deliver a public facing end-to-end web based service for Complying Development Applications.
Senior Business Analyst for an Agile project to design and implement a Bonding Instrument Management System to support the Global Treasury and Operational Finance functions.